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Business Astrology Forecast - June


It’s June, summer is around the corner and it signals a time of slowing down and potential lack of focus. The stars are telling us ways that we can maximize this ‘lazy’ time of the year. Let’s dive in.

6/1 - Jupiter Conjunct North Node

This month starts off with such an auspicious aspect! Lucky Jupiter in the North Node is giving us a boost in the growth and destiny of our businesses. New doors of opportunity may be opening. While Jupiter signals good luck, it can also bring expansion of both the light and shadow aspects of Taurus. This placement cautions us to not be overly eager, optimistic or confident.

6/3 - Full Moon Sagittarius

Before stepping through any of those open doors too quickly, take this time to reflect on the past (specifically the last 6 months) regarding your biz’s ideals and mission. Release anything that you feel hasn’t been in alignment with them. Also, take a look at what has been working and think about expanding on that. Gather some info and do an analysis on the findings. This could help with cultivating big ideas and plans.

6/4 - Mercury in Taurus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus

By now those big ideas should be flowing. Remain open to innovative ideas and ways of doing things to help open a path to abundance. Communication and patience with the outcome are very much needed. These big ideas need time to marinate so make sure you think them through.

6/11 - Retrograde Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto’s coming back to business-minded Capricorn to tie up some loose ends. Before this planet of transformation moves back into Aquarius in January (for the next 20 years!) we’re being encouraged to check in with the mission of the biz. Is your business profitable white still being of service to the collective? Is it focused too much on structure and not enough on people? Are you resistant to innovation? Take this time to discover what can transform goals for the structure and directions of your business.

6/11 - Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury is Gemini’s home planet so it feels right at home with communication and marketing. Now is a great time to bring in some fresh marketing ideas. It’s an opportune time to start brainstorming and researching ways to elevate your brand.

6/17 - Retrogrades Saturn in Pisces

Saturn brings structure to the idealistic Pisces so the creative juices may be slowing down at this time. This can be a good time to reevaluate past actions and plans - especially any mistakes that were made. No matter what has transpired at that patience, and faith are needed.

6/18 - New Moon in Gemini

Time to get more authentic with marketing and communication. For example, what are some ways you can create community around your brand? This placement is also squaring Neptune in Pisces so make sure you are clear with your intentions. Maybe you can offer a survey to get more clear on what your clients want.

6/21 - Sun Enters Cancer

It’s time to get into the heart and soul of your business; so getting out of the head- especially with all that Gemini action - and into the heart. This is a great time to focus on the inner workings of the biz, meaning you, your employees and maybe even the aesthetics of your office space. Is everyone fulfilled, is there a good work/life balance and again- are you living the mission?

So to wrap up: Take some time to really dig into what’s been working for you, what hasn't and get to the soul of what you want for your brand/business. When you are in alignment with that, you can create space for the awesome alignments coming your way.

If you have any questions, hit me up! Until next time, have a fantabulous month!

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